
so what do you want to marry me for?

this card is quoting sweet home alabama.... you know... when mini reese asks mini whatever his name is why he wants to marry her before they get struck by lightening....

so much to say....

dear friends,
so.... i haven't been too successful at the whole blogging thing. it's not for a lack of working though! jujuisgoodluck is coming together one piece at a time. i am not above admitting my mistakes, though, and it was a mistake to launch my blog before i was in a place to devote the attention to it that it deserves. i apologize to all of you who have visited the site and been disappointed to see that it hasn't been updated. i vow to do better. stick with me and i promise we will be friends!

so in really exciting jujuisgoodluck news....
all 14 cards are available online! you can purchase them with a credit card or by mailing a personal check at Through etsy I am offering free shipping from now until January 1, 2009... so place your holiday orders! Purchase a set of 7 for $21 as a gift... your friends will love them! check it out:

in other news, thank you to everyone who suggested web designers. the jujuisgoodluck website is in the works... and i will of course blog about it as soon as it is up and running. until then though, please join the jujuisgoodluck mailing list by sending an email to be sure to include your name, your address (both physical and email), and then your birthday just for fun. i will be doing letterpress mailers soon, so be sure to send me your actual mailing address!

and finally, my friend claire of claire bock photography reshot all of my cards. as you can see, they look amazing. she is a very talented photographer. check out her work at

i think that is all of the major updates for this post. remember, BUY CARDS at! i know that most of us are feeling the pinch financially these days.... but a greeting card is always a wonderful way to make someone's day, and that is, as mastercard says, priceless.

that's all for now.


you are the cheese to my macaroni


can we just skip the vibe and go straight to laughing about this?

no use crying over spilled milk, right?

another almost famous card



ciao friends!

it's about time i updated, huh? SORRY! these past seven days have been sheer CRAZINESS!! i was traveling, and then landed back stateside to commence my apartment hunt and start getting my life in order. i wanted to thank all of you guys who have left me comments and forwarded the blog on to your friends! i really appreciate it!

i will be back in california for a few days next week, and if all goes to plan i should be updating soon with store locations that you will find carrying jujuisgoodluck! EXCITING STUFF!!

thanks again, and remember to check back often... i am going to make it my job to have new things up for y'all to see. plus, there are still some more cards to be posted.

lots of love!!

this week!

what i am reading: inĂ©s of my soul [isabel allende]
what i am listening to: mgmt, time to pretend
photo of the week: 
i finished up my travels and have headed back to pursue some sort of real life! this picture makes it up as my photo of the week because this pursuit of a real life has consisted solely of apartment hunting in new york city. maybe i should just live in this news stand shack.
lyric: i'm gunna quit my job and move to new york
cuz someone told me that's where dreamers should go
i'm gunna quit my job and move to new york
and tattoo my body with every broadway
last thing i wrote in my journal: the what is not so important, but that we should remember. it is the act of remembering, the process of remembrance, the recognition of our past... memories are small prayers to God, if we believed in that sort of thing....
card designer of the week: tori higa

this week!

what i am reading: everything is iluminated
what i am listening to: joshua james, b-sides it's dark outside
photo of the week:

i have been traveling, so it was pretty difficult for me to choose my favorite photograph this week. i chose this one because it is closest to how i feel... standing in an art museum, nose in a book, while the rest of the world blurs by.
last thing i wrote in my journal: (from everything is illuminated) i used to think [writing] was what i was born to do. no, i never really thought that. it's just something people say. [perhaps you were born to write?] i don't know. maybe. it sounds terrible to say. cheap. it's so hard to express yourself. i want to express myself. i'm looking for my voice. i want to do something i'm not ashamed of. [something that you are proud of?] not even. i just don't want to be ashamed.
song lyric of the week: once upon a day i set off on a journey, wishing on the wind- take me far frm home. now i'm on the waves and i'm taking on water, hard to see i won't always be alone.
greeting card designer of the week: curly girl designs