
jujuisgoodluck on

this was probably one of the most exciting things to happen, silly as it may be, and it could not have happened at a better time. as everyone knows, the recession is draining... not just on our bank accounts, but our emotions and often times our creativity. it is hard to stay motivated when trying to start a creative small business when more often than not your feedback is "i love your work, unfortunately we just aren't buying right now". such has been the experience for jujuisgoodluck over the past few months... which has lead to a pause in efforts and a lull in creativity. (it's about time i admit to it). and then, all of a sudden there was a spike in sales on etsy. "valentine's day," my roommate blurted from his spot on our couch, "duh."

obviously cards would sell better around valentine's day (thanks, roommate)... but why jujuisgoodluck? why now? why pretty much only the mac and cheese card?

the mystery was finally solved by way of one kind esty user who used the comments section of the order form... my card has been featured on an affiliate of Apartment Therapy... a blog known as

first of all, the blog is awesome for all of the food lovers out there-- second of all, i could not be more excited and flattered. check it out!

gros bisous,

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